Collection: lyttn LUXUS

Antischwitzauflage für Babyschale & Reboarder

  • 4 Jahre Einsatzdauer
  • wohltemperiert dank Wolle

Wenn dein Baby noch in der Babyschale liegt, dann starte mit diesem Produkt, denn es wächst in die nächste Sitzgruppe perfekt mit. 

Ist Dein Baby schon im Reboarder?? Dann empfehle ich das Modell LOYAL, denn das wächst bis zum Ende der Autositzzeit mit.

  • baby car seat

    From birth to about 12 months, babies normally sit in the baby seat* and two seat pads are suitable for the baby seat.
    • lyttn LEGER - the little eight
    • lyttn LUXUS - the all-rounder
  • rear-facing car seat

    The second sitting phase begins when your child no longer fits in the baby seat*. The next seat is the so-called reboarder. A seat that allows children to travel rear-facing until at least 15 months (mandatory) (it is recommended to travel rear-facing until 4 years). All three seat pads fit in the reboarder, the only question is how long you want to use them, because only the lyttn LOYAL continues to grow with the child to the next seat.
    • lyttn LEGER - the little eight
    • lyttn LUXUS - the all-rounder
    • lyttn LOYAL - grows best with you!
  • follow-up seat

    For the follow-up seat*, we recommend the lyttn LOYAL seat cover. It is in two parts and grows easily with the child until the end of the child's seat time. The ears are attached with elastic bands so that nothing folds over and the seat holds itself in place and can therefore be quickly removed if the accompanying person wants to sit comfortably while waiting (e.g. children's gymnastics). Small added value :)
    • lyttn LOYAL - my recommendation!
*Please note that I cannot recommend a seat. Please contact your local dealer for the right seat. THANK YOU

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